hajra zafar

Peace and freedom

In the quest for peace and freedom, I roam,

Each dawn brings freedom, to wander and to roam.

Yet true peace, I find, lies within the heart,

In pursuing passions, a tranquil, soothing art.


Returning home at night, to mother\'s loving care,

Her food, her warmth, her solace always there.

In moments of sadness, her embrace so true,

In illness, her tender care, a healing brew.


In the mountains high, I sought both peace and freedom,

Yet, in solitude, missed mother\'s wisdom.

For in life\'s vast tapestry, we find,

No single thread holds all the peace we\'d hoped to bind.


So let\'s cherish the moments, the blessings we hold dear,

Be it peace, freedom, or a mother\'s love so clear.

And in the embrace of a mother\'s love,

Find serenity, like blessings from above.

~ hajra zafar~