
Loving our Grief

Once I thought

Feelings weren’t for someone like me

Look for what others need, was how I felt

That one feeling allowed

Contentment - through connection to another

Put all the rest to sleep in the long grasses of fear

Who knows what messes they could make?


There were grief places that I buried

Longings to be seen and loved…just a little

To know who I was

What I thought about things, regardless of what others thought

I was sure these thoughts were not to be welcomed

They were shy and reticent

It would be good to keep them that way


Once in awhile one of these strangers would try to intrude

Into my peaceful, boxed life

But I knew just what to do

How to silence them before I even heard what they wanted to say

No, no, I would hush them

You mustn’t break through the wall

I’ve built to keep things going well


But one day, a very shy grief

Pushed her way past the other feelings

Right through the wall

Splashed right up inside of me

Like a stirring on the water

Moving to a silent song

I couldn’t help but like her and let her stay


I let her dance on the water of my soul

Bowing her head, she whispered, “There are other feelings”

I wondered about the others, “Were they as beautiful as she?”

Unlocked by the wondering

They came to her stirring water, shimmering in the sun

Dancing with the joy of telling me who I was

And I loved each one