Kaelyn Jade

The Crystal stream

A clear stream flows through a cavern,

Darkens and stirs as dirt soaks through,

A man dazed with thirst,

Cannot drink for there is dirt.


He weeps and he cries,

For behold his eyes,

Water for which he craves,

But in this cave dirty the water is,

So he cannot drink.


Can you guess,

What is dirt and water mixed,

Mud a goopy grim stew,

It started out so pure and true,

But as water stirs,

It turns a dark brown blue.


Now think of this stream,

Bright brave and true,

Think of it as you,

A beautiful glittering blue.


But as people\'s dirt negative pain,

Fall down upon your soul,

Your water darkens no longer clear,

Your mind now full of fear.


The man,

Think of him as your friend,

Just wanted you,

But poison just like your own,

Chokes your friend away.


So listen to this tale,

Of the Crystal stream,

Do not pour your dirt,

In other people’s streams,

Fliter your water get rid of the dirt,

Be clear again before others get hurt.