Reynaldo Casison

Compassionate Soul

We have Caressed,

our Golden solitudes,

In the robes of Midnight,

With the pretty evening stars,

Alone together,

Hip within hip,

While the Rose moon beamed,

In the luminous garden,


You have seen her sway,

From the veranda like riviera dream,

The siesta of evening waves,

Upon the starry lakes,

And exotic shores,


Every now and then,

A crescent of moon,

Glows with a kiss upon your hip,


I adore you with your Soul,

Wet and Compassionate,

With that exquisiteness of yours,

That you undress with your cares,


How were you,

when you would ballet,

The evenings away,

Whose loves rhythms,

Were you serenading,

Were they your own,

Did you feel alone and unique,

Your fine wine Beauty,

Dreams to me,

Whenever I feel blue,

And feel you are the Champagne stars,


The hymns bow like roses,

And whenever there is sweet rhythms,

You Salsa like honey waves,

And your lavendar robe,

Windswept with your tousled hair,

Like a nightingale,

your tender sultry brow,


Always you Waltz,

And lovingly lounge with Stillness,

Caressing Midnights,

Kissing fountains

Reynaldo Casison