Harry Rolfe

Love contradicts everything

Sitting on a bench head in the clouds thinking of all the things I couldn\'t control. I still think of her everyday like a clock ticking every-lesly and never bound to stop. I miss the feeling but also hate it, it\'s a way to feel everything in just one moment. She brightens the world, just like the sun illuminating everything and for everyone.


I\'m broken inside just like a wing, snapped off left alone and will never be complete. The day she left was something I just couldn’t believe. Forever more I will remain broken inside like a clock ticking that just can’t chime. 


It\'s the best feeling but as-well as the worst. You feel it in your heart as if fire is burning with warmness igniting inside. It\'s a rare occasion and also an amazing sight. I envy the love I see everywhere in my life. Some see it as poison and others see it as strength. I guess the only thing to tell is, love is contradicting. You may treasure it and may be against it but all left to say is i will always love her with all my heart.