

When people are alive, we rarely appreciate them,... 
And when they are dead we talk so much good about them... 

When they are alive, we are not grateful and take them for grant... 
When they are alive we blame them, and fill them with taunts...

Now that they are dead, beautiful memories with them are the ones which we talk... 
And in this, we forget about the dreadful times with them we fought... 

We praise them so much as if we loved them a lot...

And in this we forget about the times we wanted them not. 

But now onwards we must speak good of others... 
When they are with us in person, and not just in album pictures... 

People will never remember us for our possessions... 

People remember us for how we made them feel, when they were with us and this is the biggest lesson! 


- Sahil Dhobale.