
Congress or Chaos?

I turned on the TV to catch the news,

But what I saw gave me the blues.

Congress, oh Congress, what a sight,

A Jerry Springer show every night.


There they were, our elected peers,

Trading insults and throwing jeers.

Policies lost in a shouting match,

Maturity, it seems, took a hard detach.


Instead of laws, they’re throwing chairs,

Tangled in dramas and petty affairs.

Is this the future we all chose?

Or just a circus where anything goes?


Debates should be thoughtful, wise, and grand,

Not a playground brawl getting out of hand.

It\'s not about left, right, or center stage,

But a reality show without the cage.


So here’s to you, dear Congress folks,

Less drama, please, and fewer pokes.

Let’s act our age, not our shoe size,

And maybe then we’ll see compromise.


Till then, I’ll sit with popcorn in hand,

Watching the chaos in this promised land.

For who knew politics could be so thrilling,

An episode of Springer, but less fulfilling.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf