Keith Jeffries




When he opened the door I instantly knew he was different,

although we had never met before.

He smiled but I looked into enquiring eyes,

to see a depth not often found.

He possessed no outstanding physical qualities,

nor was his appearance out of the ordinary.

Am I able to discern in another a quality,

not visible to others?

The days passed and we came to know each other,

an attraction flourished as we shared ideas and thoughts.

I yearned for his company, to hear his words,

to hear his laughter and to become better acquianted.

Slowly I began to harbour feelings which opened a new dimension,

to our friendship, emotions which I found inexplicable.

I soon came to my senses and knew that I was in love,

yet unable to express it or show it in any usual way.

We became as kindred spirits, lovers of each others minds,

I cherished each moment in his company.

I knew that nothing could come of this as he was married with a son,

I was resigned to love from a distance.

What I had experienced was unquestionably love,

but of a very different kind.