
Judge Meet Executioner

I do not worship the devil,

nor worship the lord,

from where I sit,

there isn’t a difference anymore.

The side of good,

people all rotten and rictus,

the devils army is upon us.

Carrying crosses,

dirge the violin key the end,

the are upon us,

hating all who aren’t bubonic,

pervasive disease spreads uncharted,

there is nothing more evil than Satan,

except for a Christian.

That is why I worship non of them,

two evils becoming one within,

fore nothing eviler or more vile,

more grotesque and more fowl,

than a demon lover,

a swill oozy ick tasting pill.

Had my fill of both,

and from where I sit,

there’s no difference,

thank goodness I’m not Christian,

or I’d say off with their heads,

let them all float!