
A load of rubbish!

Argh! A blip again

Do you get them

Just as you\'ve typed up a poem

Short or long?


It\'ll have to be a tale again

Probably No. 4874783462

Of Orchi, KP, and Fido

That eccentric family


You know - where KP always asks Orchi

For botox money

And Fido continues to check

For any poem not marked 18+

Where they should be so marked!


Or is a \'blip\' my excuse

For doing a poem on Trinity Sunday?!

Though we can\'t fully humanly understand it

How one can be \'One in Three\' and \'Three in One\'


There\'s three of us

Me, KP, and Fido

Sometimes it seems like there\'s only one of us

KP with her motto -

\'Me, me, me - first, last, and always!\'
