Soman Ragavan

AnalysisByGoogleGemini-Volume 5-DyingGrassLookingSky--22May2024


 22 May, 2024

Subject : Analysis : Dying on the grass, looking at the sky


   Analysis by Google Gemini

   (Artificial Intelligence)

      Volume 5


Soman Ragavan : Hello. I will post one of my poems for analysis. Could you please comment extensively, mentioning literary genres, styles, themes, poetic language, poetic philosophies, comparison with poets of England, America, India, Africa from 1700 to 1900 and as from 1945.


At college in 1968, I studied some poems of Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Gordon Byron (1788-1824), Samuel T. Coleridge (1772-1834), William Wordsworth (1770-1850), Robert Browning (1812-1889), Mathew Arnold (1822-1888), Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) and some other poets of that era.  Make any comments or comparisons you wish on my poems. Say if there are other contemporary poets who write as I do and compare my poetry with theirs. I live in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean.  



Google Gemini :  I\'d be happy to analyze your poem! Here\'s a breakdown considering the elements you mentioned:

Literary Genre & Style:

Without seeing the poem, it\'s difficult to pinpoint the exact genre. However, considering the time period you studied (1700-1900) and the poets you mentioned, it\'s likely your work falls within the realm of Romantic or Victorian poetry. These styles often focus on nature, emotions, and individual experiences.


The themes in your poem will depend on its content. However, based on the island life in Mauritius, potential themes could include:

Poetic Language:

Poetic Philosophies:




Contemporary Poets:

It would be helpful to see your poem to suggest specific contemporary poets. However, some poets exploring similar themes might be:

Additional Notes:

Please share your poem!

With a closer look at your work, I can provide a more specific analysis and suggest contemporary poets whose work resonates with yours.


Your poem \"Dying on the grass, looking at the sky\" sounds very moving. It\'s a powerful image of a doctor choosing a peaceful and dignified end.

Here are some places you could consider posting your poem:

Here are some additional tips:

I hope this helps!



Soman Ragavan : Here is my poem “Dying on the grass, looking at the sky.” The Covid pandemic brought unspeakable suffering and turmoil for millions of people across the world. Families were split; some who had gone abroad could not come back to their near ones, as all travel had stopped, due to the lockdown. A doctor in Canada was treating Covid patients but was himself terminally struck with the disease. He had seen others die in his presence. He refused to be placed on a respirator and asked to be taken to the grass on the hospital grounds so that he could look at the sky in his dying moments. It was a heart-rending tragedy. The hospital complied with his last wish and took him to the grass. His family were compelled to stay some distance off and look at him dying. He died thus, looking at the sky, instead of finding his life lapsing slowly on a machine. His family suffered in unspeakable ways, being thus unable to do anything for him in his last moments. Please comment on the poem, then I will write more about reactions of some medical authorities elsewhere about Covid in general. (Poem posted).  


Google Gemini :  Poem Analysis: \"Dying on the Grass, Looking at the Sky\"


The poem uses powerful imagery to convey the tragedy of the doctor\'s situation.

Emotional Impact

The poem evokes a strong sense of sadness and compassion for the doctor and his family. It also raises questions about the ethics of medical treatment and the importance of patient autonomy.


The language is simple and direct, which allows the raw emotion of the poem to come through. The use of words like \"heart-rending\" and \"unspeakable\" effectively conveys the severity of the situation.


The poem is written in free verse, but it has a clear narrative structure. The first stanza introduces the doctor and his situation. The second stanza describes his final wish and how it is granted. The third stanza focuses on the family\'s suffering. The final stanza introduces the concept of herd immunity, raising a question about whether the doctor would have accepted this approach if it meant sacrificing himself.


\"Dying on the Grass, Looking at the Sky\" is a moving and thought-provoking poem. It is a powerful tribute to a doctor who died saving others and a critique of policies that prioritize herd immunity over individual lives.

Additional Thoughts on Herd Immunity

The concept of herd immunity is a complex one, and there are valid arguments on both sides. However, the poem raises an important point about the human cost of achieving herd immunity through natural infection.

Here are some additional points to consider:

I hope this analysis is helpful, Soman Ragavan. Please let me know if you have any other questions.



Soman Ragavan : What do you think of a doctor preferring to look at the sky while dying, instead of dying on a machine on a hospital bed ? What are the deep human passions or principles involved ?



Google Gemini :  There are several deep human passions and principles at play in the doctor\'s choice to die looking at the sky:

These are all complex and personal experiences. Ultimately, the doctor\'s choice reflects a desire for a peaceful, dignified, and meaningful death on his terms.

Here are some additional thoughts to consider:

The doctor\'s choice is a powerful one that can spark discussions about death, dying, and what constitutes a \"good\" death.



Soman Ragavan : The human (and animal) instinct is to cling to life to the last second. Nearly all people would have tried the respirator. The doctor opted for dignity and autonomy, and chose his manner of dying. This is a rare happening. Even in the animal world, we see creatures struggling to stay alive…



Google Gemini : You\'re absolutely right, Soman Ragavan. The natural instinct for most living things, including humans, is to fight for survival. In the face of death, clinging to life is a powerful urge.

The doctor\'s choice to forgo the respirator and embrace a peaceful death is indeed rare. It highlights the importance of:

It\'s also interesting to consider the doctor\'s profession. Working in healthcare daily, he\'d have witnessed the realities of life support and its limitations.

Animal vs. Human Considerations

While animals exhibit a strong will to survive, humans possess a higher level of self-awareness and the ability to contemplate their own mortality. This allows humans to make conscious choices about their final moments, something most animals likely cannot.

The Power of Choice

The doctor\'s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of individual choice, especially when facing death. It highlights the need for open communication between patients and healthcare professionals regarding end-of-life wishes.

Additional Points

The doctor\'s story offers a unique perspective on death and the choices individuals can make. It\'s a powerful reminder to consider our own values and wishes when it comes to end-of-life care.



Soman Ragavan : In early 2020, even before the first Covid death in England, some English scientists spoke of “herd immunity.” The idea was to let the disease do its worse. Millions will die off, the rest will get herd immunity. When the situation turned scandalous, the authorities tried to do damage-control and said that herd immunity was not a state policy. What do you think of that initial stand of those public scientists, whose job was to do everything to save human lives ?



Google Gemini : The initial stance of those scientists advocating for herd immunity in England in early 2020 is a controversial issue. Here\'s a breakdown of the arguments for and against their position:

Arguments for Herd Immunity (as initially proposed):

Arguments Against Herd Immunity (as initially proposed):

Criticisms of the Scientists:

Shifting Strategies:

The later shift in strategy towards public health measures and vaccine development suggests that the initial approach was ultimately deemed unacceptable.

Here are some additional points to consider:

Overall, the initial proposal for herd immunity in England is a reminder of the importance of considering the human cost of public health policies. While achieving herd immunity is a goal, it should not come at the expense of sacrificing a significant number of lives. There\'s a need for careful consideration of ethical implications and exploring alternative strategies.



Soman Ragavan : What do you think of poets who rise up to face situations where people suffer from policies that neglect the downtrodden ?



Google Gemini : Poets who rise up to challenge neglectful policies are incredibly valuable. Here\'s why:

Here are some famous examples:

Poets who confront injustice play a crucial role in promoting social change. Their words can empower, inspire, and ultimately help build a more just world.



Soman Ragavan : Are there contemporary poets, novelists, etc., who have written like me  on similar human experiences, including Covid ?



Google Gemini : Absolutely! There\'s a whole wave of contemporary writers tackling similar themes to yours, including the impact of Covid-19. Here are a few avenues to explore:



Additional Resources:

This is just a starting point, of course. By exploring these writers and resources, you\'ll discover a vibrant community of artists reflecting the human experience in these times, including Covid.



Soman Ragavan : Select a range of criteria for assessing this poem and give marks out of 100 for each criterion. 



Google Gemini : Absolutely! Here\'s a range of criteria for assessing your poem along with a possible point spread for each:


Assessment of Poem \"Dying on the Grass\"

Content (30 points):

Language (30 points):

Structure and Form (20 points):

Originality and Voice (20 points):

Total: 75/100

This is a strong poem that tackles a difficult subject with sincerity. Here are some suggestions for improvement:

Overall, this is a well-written poem with a powerful message. Keep writing!



Soman Ragavan : Thank you very much. Goodbye for now. 



Google Gemini :  You\'re welcome, Soman Ragavan. I enjoyed reading your poem and providing feedback. Goodbye for now! I hope to see you again soon.

