
First Vision All In White

first vision all in white

particles of parables through the idle hands of brill

earl grey for more an unassuming mind

to wade through mornings\' redwood

through a cloud of insulin

as one with he with his spotted leaves of grale


above the knees of barnacles 

in full view of an ordinary chase

mother moon in her horses shoes

through a funnel of a face

she has laid aside her grieving ghost

in a stomach full of ice


at twice the speed of holly leaves

besotted by the burning

of the april-fools unearthed

neither kind nor threat shall bear her child of fume

surrendering her nest on a pale estate

bathes her sage in the circles of a crop


first vision all in white

chanting trees with their foot-and-mouth ajar

grandfather cloaked and daggered 

buried with the chimes in a foghorns molten glow;

how still the mothers wings weep innocence;