
notice it, before it\'s to late

It always starts off as a tiny crack

So small and unimportant


Like a piece of clothing on the floor

A sad song or a piece of homework that\'s due soon

Until bit by bit

It grows

And grows

Then everything around you is covered in cracks

About to collapse

Nothing you can do

No way of stopping it

So you just let it fall

What\'s the point right

That\'s right

There is no point

Now you are just sitting there in the ruins

Nothing left to do but wait

Because you know you will eventually find it

That sliver of motivation

The little push you need to fix it all

Build it all up again

But not this time no

Instead of it coming it stays hidden away

Never to be seen again

Thats when even more crack begin to form

But this time in the ground

It crashed and swallows you up in its ruins

Never to be found

You think surely someone will come to find you

But yet again you are wrong

Because everyone has already moved on

Forgotten about you

You don’t matter and never have

Tough luck

You think maybe next time someone will care enough

Enough to come find you and help you out

You say next time you will find that tiny crack and patch it up

But there is one thing you are forgetting

One crutial thing

And that is

there is no next time

This was your final Chance and you are never getting another one

This is your ending

And maybe if you had found that crack

Picked up that piece of clothing

Switched from that sad song to a happy one

Or done that piece of homework

Things might have ended differently

But now its to late

Nothing left to do

And now dying here

Has become your destiny