
Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror, down the hall,

In my room and on the wall.

Covered in a grungy sheet,

I take it off, my room complete.


The mirrors reflection is what I see,

but one thing missing, I don\'t see me!

In disbelief, and much apprehension,

my body is filled with grief and tension.


I look inside the mirrors aged glass,

my grief and tension so quickly pass,

My racing thoughts I see quite clear,

reflecting back in this Gothic mirror.


I make a wish, I hope comes true,

it seems like a lot for this mirror to do 

Make the kids at school all pay,

for hateful things they do and say 


The evening approaches, I get ready for bed,

not knowing the future or what\'s lying ahead.

The moon is so clear, on this dark autumn night,

I hope that the mirror will get everything right.


I awake in the morning and walk to my school,

filled with revenge, I want to break all the rules.

Now at the school, there\'s no mischief to be,

nothing odd or abnormal, from what I can see.


The teachers on time, not missing a beat,

and everyone\'s racing to find them a seat.

Minutes pass by and then cautious appears,

my dream has arrived, a class filled with fears.


Kids burst into flames, from head to their toes,

good kids are spared, as evil passes each row.

I am quite safe, my friends filled with fright,

the mirror claims my victims, massacre delight!