Mohammad Younus

A Caged Bird

There is a bird within its cage confined,
As habitation dwindles, it desires
To flee the cage. Yet bonds of old remain,
And make the task of leaving far too tough.
It speaks in solitude, a soliloquy,
\"Stay here, I shall, and none will see me roam,
No witness to my homeless state shall be,
When no new home is yet within my sight.
I\'ll leave at night, in stealth, when all do sleep.
I know a new abode is near complete,
And thus I\'ll grieve not leaving this old home.
With joy, I\'ll enter where my song awaits,
Unfinished, in the new, to sing with life.
God will not let me die, but guide me close,
As on the Day of Alast, our secret pact,
Enough it is to fulfill our ancient bond.
In this divine embrace, I shall be glad.\"
