
To Live Again

two worlds astride on leopard spots cocooned

macabre blue inhaled or otherwise

to live again in the suburbs wall to wall

with a thousand eyes in a jackfruit box

of decomposing tricks


chronicles of returning dreams

that live again and breathes a lamplight dry

spells neophyte for the newborn half

to walk upon the waters with his god

where colours lay their eggs on a boneyard bruise


on a bed of nails more infamous than charmed

sensing all redundant on the flip-side of a wrist

all good deeds deserving better praise

now gathers all on a jamborees\' charade

where truth be judged by genesis and dawn


in a prime-of-age now the pheasant brings

her second heart of octopus for my rejuvinated eyes

to live again my insight fierce but brief;

we will dance again, macabre blue

inhaled or otherwise.


a symphony of grass.

stiletto heels on my blow-up-doll

they\'re playing our song again;