
What\'s Up?!

Now lookie here, what\'s going on?!

A blip here and a blip there

I\'ve not got hours on end to fix things

If I could, that is!

Sometimes don\'t know what buttons to press

To fix things


It\'s KP\'s fault

I\'ll blame her anyway, even if it isn\'t. lol

Well, she had a hissy fit

I didn\'t give her enough money for her botox

Now she looks like half a trout!


What made you marry her, asks Fido?

Well, one day she gave me a gin or ten

And hid the water from me

And I said \'Yes, I do\' to marriage

Being a bit tipsy


How to get out of it?

She\'s put a ball and chain on my leg

And thrown away the key!

This all may be true

So I won\'t mark it \'Fiction\'. lol.