Soman Ragavan

AnalysisByGoogleGemini-Volume 7-NizamuddinBridge--24May2024


24 May, 2024

Subject : Analysis : “At Nizamuddin Bridge, a grieving father…”


Analysis by Google Gemini,

(Artificial Intelligence)

Volume 7

Soman Ragavan : Hello. I will post one of my poems for analysis. Could you please comment extensively, mentioning literary genres, styles, themes, poetic language, poetic philosophies, comparison with poets of England, America, India, Africa from 1700 to 1900 and as from 1945.

At college in 1968, I studied some poems of Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Gordon Byron (1788-1824), Samuel T. Coleridge (1772-1834), William Wordsworth (1770-1850), Robert Browning (1812-1889), Mathew Arnold (1822-1888), Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) and some other poets of that era.  Make any comments or comparisons you wish on my poems. Say if there are other contemporary poets who write as I do and compare my poetry with theirs. I live in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. I will post my poem when you write.   

Google Gemini : I\'d be happy to analyze your poem! Here\'s a breakdown of what I can look for:

Literary Genres & Styles:


Poetic Language:

Poetic Philosophies:


Considering the Period:

Mauritian Context:

Sharing Your Poem:

Once you post your poem, I can provide a more detailed analysis based on the above aspects.


Please note that I won\'t share your poem with anyone else or use it for any purpose other than providing this analysis.

I look forward to reading your work!


Soman Ragavan : My poem : “AT NIZAMUDDIN BRIDGE, A GRIEVING FATHER…” This is a real story of a man who was held up at a bridge in New Delhi, India, during Covid lockdown around March 2020. He had received news that his little son was dying. He had to go home some 1200 kms to Bariarpur, in the Indian state of Bihar, to see his son. Buses and trains had stopped running. Severe road controls during the lockdown got him bogged down. He tried desperately to get home quickly. He was struggling to be let through to reach his village. He himself was ill. An Indian press photographer took his picture while he was crying and talking to his family on his mobile. That photo became viral. The death of his child is probably the most crushing experience a man can get in his life. His child is like a part of himself. Please consider all human, psychological, life, emotional and attachment issues; make reference to similar literary works.

Some quotes :

--“Mother India ! For how long more this tragedy,

This murderous scourge, should drag on and on ?

In yon house will there be left one last son ?”

---From my poem “Lots of handkerchiefs” about an outbreak of plague at Surat, Gujarat, India, in September, 1994, (poem written on 28 September, 1994).


--“Might be snuff\'d out this life any passing day :
Suddenly all might be gone in a deathly foray…”

    ---From my poem “Fond la Digue,” written on 3 June, 2001.


“Suddenly the dastardly disease struck :
All around, plans just turn’d to muck.
Striking unseen, Covid-19 rear’d up its head :
Far and wide, myriads of the sick drop dead…


“Supreme the mutating virus doth reign :
In a fake new “normal,” vainly we feign…
Who be next, whose turn will it turn out :
No one knows : nervously we mill about.”

--From my poem “Advance leave, advancing death,” (on Covid in Mauritius), written on 18 December, 2021. (Poem “At Nizamuddin Bridge, a grieving father…” posted).


Google Gemini : Analysis of \"At Nizamuddin Bridge, A Grieving Father...\"

Genre & Style:


Poetic Language:

Poetic Philosophies:


Considering the Period:

Mauritian Context:

Similarities with Contemporary Poets:


This is a powerful and moving poem that effectively conveys the depths of the speaker\'s grief. The use of language and imagery is strong, and the poem\'s themes are both personal and universal.

I hope this analysis is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Soman Ragavan : I am posting the poem again. (Poem posted).

Google Gemini : Analysis of \"At Nizamuddin Bridge, A Grieving Father...\"

Genre & Style:


Poetic Language:

Poetic Philosophies:


Considering the Period:

Mauritian Context:

Similarities with Contemporary Poets:


This poem is a powerful and moving tribute to a father\'s love and the profound grief of losing a child. The language is evocative, and the imagery is strong. The poem effectively conveys the universality of human emotions in the face of tragedy.

Additional Notes:

I hope this analysis is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Soman Ragavan : Please give a detailed analysis by stanza. Mention emotional issues, life and death issues, the attachment of a father with his child; the effects of a child’s death on a father; the tragedy of being stuck on a road and being prevented from seeing one’s dying child because of Covid lockdown; the agonies a father goes through in such a case and other points you notice about the real-life story.


Google Gemini : Analysis of the Poem \"At Nizamuddin Bridge, A Grieving Father…\" by Soman Ragavan

Stanza 1:

Stanza 2:

Stanza 3:

Stanza 4:

Stanza 5:

Stanza 6:


Stanza 7 (Lockdown):

Stanza 8 (Lockdown):

Stanza 9 (Lockdown):

Stanza 10:

Stanza 11:

Stanza 12:

Overall Analysis:

The poem is a powerful portrayal of a father\'s grief and desperation in the face of a bureaucratic hurdle during a pandemic. The use of vivid imagery, repetition, and figurative language effectively conveys the emotional intensity of the situation. The poem criticizes the rigidity of the rules that fail to consider the human cost of enforcing them. It is a moving tribute to the unwavering love between a father and son.


Soman Ragavan : Which classical poems are comparable with this story ? 


Google Gemini : Here are some classical poems comparable to the story of the grieving father in \"At Nizamuddin Bridge, A Grieving Father...\":

These poems, while coming from different cultures and eras, share similar themes of parental love, loss, and the struggle to cope with overwhelming emotions. They offer a broader perspective on the human experience of grief and the enduring power of familial bonds.


Soman Ragavan : How do Indians address such situations compared with Western writers, including Western writers of tragic works ? What are the different approaches ? What are the differences in the type of language and the intensity of emotions harnessed ? 


Google Gemini : Here\'s a breakdown of how Indian and Western writers might address situations like the one in \"At Nizamuddin Bridge\":





Emotional Intensity:


It\'s important to remember these are generalizations. There are variations within each tradition. However, this framework can help you identify potential differences in how Indian and Western writers approach similar themes.


Soman Ragavan : Choose a set of criteria for assessing this poem and give marks  for each out of 100 for each criterion.

Google Gemini : Criteria and Marks for \"At Nizamuddin Bridge, A Grieving Father...\"


Marks (out of 100)




The poem powerfully portrays a father\'s grief and the tragedy of separation during a time of crisis.

Emotional Impact


The use of vivid imagery and repetition effectively evokes empathy for the speaker\'s pain.



The poem utilizes strong verbs and descriptive language, but the use of archaic terms like \"nay\" and \"be\" might feel slightly forced in a contemporary setting.



The use of stanzas separates the poem, but the lack of a consistent rhyme scheme or meter could be seen as a missed opportunity for added depth.



The theme of loss is universal, but the specific context of the pandemic and lockdown adds a layer of originality.

Total | 400 (out of 500)


The poem excels in conveying the speaker\'s emotions and the gravity of the situation. While the language is strong, the use of some archaic terms might not resonate with all readers. The structure provides a framework but could be further enhanced with a more defined form. The subject matter is certainly relevant and emotionally engaging, making it a powerful piece overall.

Please note that these marks are subjective and can vary depending on individual interpretations and preferences.


Soman Ragavan : How does this poem compare with Indian poetry since 1945 ? Name Indian tragic poems that stand out and talk briefly about them. 


Google Gemini : \"At Nizamuddin Bridge, A Grieving Father...\" compares favorably to some aspects of Indian poetry since 1945, but it also lacks certain elements prominent in some notable works. Here\'s a breakdown:



Here are some notable Indian tragic poems since 1945 for comparison:

These poems, along with \"At Nizamuddin Bridge,\" showcase different styles and emphasize the diverse range of emotions and experiences explored in Indian tragic poetry since 1945.


Soman Ragavan : How does this poem compare with tragic poems about Covid worldwide ? 


Google Gemini : \"At Nizamuddin Bridge, A Grieving Father...\" shares some similarities and differences with tragic poems about Covid worldwide:



Here are some examples of Covid poems worldwide for comparison:

By comparing \"At Nizamuddin Bridge\" with other Covid poems, we can appreciate the universality of loss and grief while recognizing how cultural context, style, and individual experiences shape the expression of these emotions in poetry.


Soman Ragavan : Thank you very much. Goodbye for now. 


Google Gemini : You\'re welcome, Soman Ragavan. I enjoyed our conversation about the poem. Goodbye for now!


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