Doggerel Dave

Forget Four Letter Words Redux (Plus Bonus....)

Forget four-letter words, they don’t mean much;

As verbal punctuation, nothing at all.

Should they signal aggression, then such

A warning allows retreat from a brawl......


No forget, I ask you, four-letter words –

My focus is on a two-letter word

By which people define themselves as herds;

It’s “We” – use it, and all nuance is blurred:


\'Oh let\'s be happy as part of this mob:

We all moan together and feel we’ve done

The world a service\'; but really you rob

Your misgivings of meaning – there is none.


Ask the who, when and why of everything –

World troubles, human behaviour, specify

Who and why – then perhaps you have some sting,

And at least no attempt to pacify

Each other with a long drawn out collective groan. 🙂


Furthermore please note:

And ‘we,’ this crap word virus is spreading

From the above to “How are we today?”

My response is usually me telling

The following as I see no other way:


“I’m fine, I just can\'t make up my mind about you,

The pretext for your query a little thin.

Now you might think I’m strange, then join the queue -\"

These interactions, much to my chagrin

Are a source of stomach acid through and through.


I’ve had enough of their condescension;

And so when I end up in that wheelchair,

I’ll secrete a purloined taser about my person

And when asked give it to them fair and square…….