
17897 Dawns

Since that Friday it has been:

17897 dawns,

106 solar eclipses,

109 lunar eclipses,

Billions of born and perished stars in the observable Universe,

336 formed starts in the Milky Way,

Sun reaching peak of Its life,

Universe expanding…


This all has been witnesses by YOU, in your little corner of this Planet.

Small - but integral part of this cosmic play.


Close your eyes – can you see all the Universe behind your eyelids?

Dark, vast, ever expanding, governed by the rules of causality.


Are our microworlds only reflection of something greater, vast, intelligent, self-governing, realised  by some, rejected by many?


Do we fail to appreciate partaking in this Odyssey  called ‘Life’ we have been granted?


Flux, instability and chaos - delicately intertwined by rules, codes and predictability?


Exquisite plan or sheer coincidence?



Some joining you on your sail through the sea of Life

Others leaving your course.


Favourable winds painfully overtaken by thunders.

Find your anchor, adjust your sail!

Sun is permanent, clouds are fleeting.


Enjoy company of the Presence.

Do not try to change the weather.

It’s there for a Reason.

I wish you are granted many more dawns

Favourable winds and

Those who are your anchors at the times of thunder.


I wish you fully embrace:

The impermanence of this Life

Value of loving human touch

Offsprings you have been given

All the love you are receiving from fellow humans

Crispy air of winter morning

Sun on your skin

Bare feet on the ground

Wind blowing in your face

All the shining stars above your head…


Life is so FULL when we know how to live it.


Happy continuation of your Odyssey!