
Virtuous Visitation

Tune: Woodlands

(\'Tell out my soul\')

Luke 1 v.41-45


Mary arose, went into hill country

With haste, unto Judea, for to see

Her cousin Elisabeth, and her greet

And Zacharias, husband, too did meet


And when Elisabeth heard the greeting

Of Mary, it did great excitement bring

Her unborn babe in womb did joyful leap

John Baptist was he, shared in feelings deep


Elisabeth filled with the Spirit spake

With loud voice, proclamation she did make

Saying, Blessed are you among women, see

And blessed fruit of your womb shall ever be


And why is this to me, that the mother

Of my Lord should come to me? It be sure

That as soon as your greeting reached my ears

The babe leaped in my womb, thus joy appears


And blessed are you, Mary, who have believed

The promise from the Lord you have received

For there shall be a fulfilment, \'tis true

The Christ-child, Jesus, shall be born of you