Gaurav Gurung

The 7 Deadly Sins or the Sinner Perhaps

Humans are the manifestation of sins,

Crass, rude, evil – What not?

Malevolent but the size of a dot!

I present to you 7 of my demons,

Existing together ,

Not successively like seasons..


I’m Pride! And what am I proud of?

My strength of course- often I spark discourse,

My intellect of course- endless rants without any source,

So prideful over my possessions- So evil, no remorse….


I’m Greed! What you see, I want it!

I want to keep everything that’s mine,

I want to have everything that’s not mine,

No No! There’s no us… You can cry, you can whine….


I’m Wrath! I’m the Embodiment of Brute!

Dare you annoy me, shall you face my fist!

I take on fights I know I can’t win; I can’t get the gist,

I’ve ruined thousands of relationships, there’s a 2 pager list….


I’m Envy! The brother of Greed again!

I like your success, Wish it could’ve been mine,

Your lover is sweet, wish it was me not you,

You’ve strived for your goal? Doesn’t matter, I’m Envious!


I’m Lust! My mind is corrupted with filth!

A psycho on the loose, can’t think anything straight,

What? Cleavages? Girls?  Great Great,

A societal demon! Piousness and Purity can wait….


I’m Gluttony! Feed me plenty, feed me more!

I have plenty, infact more than people can dream,

But if you don’t give me more of it, I’ll grim!

I’m very hungry; fill my filth up to the brim….


I’m Sloth! Let me procrastinate all I want,

Let me rest, let me sleep… These hard tasks- I can’t!

Go away or you’ll be the victim of my endless rant,

If you take away my bed, towards the wall I’ll slant!

Good night!