

Regular events that went on for nearly 3 years.

Romantic events connection internet protocol ipv4.

We have been running out for 20 years.

IPV6 as friendship, love and attraction chosen and dealt,

every once and while.

4G network connections that changed our lives, except our deaths.

We know deeply mobile cells but not human ones, as we think.

Outlook Mimecast.

Cast me.

Active Directory romantic in premise, old fashioned.

Everything on the Cloud, big data centre stuff.

Shared network folders and drives, that make sense.

Shared thoughts on the other hand that hardly ever make



Watching the same physical topology every once and while.

Do not broadcast. Only Unicast.

Delicate blond type fast as the ethernet or wireless connection on ipv4.

I do not dislike the old 7 layers model, even if replaced by the most

recent TCP/IP one.

I sometimes think about the 2000 layers specimen protocol,

you might interconnect with a couple of them in your entire

Life, with 10 of the 2000 out there!


Acknowledgment packets received, discarding most of them, not recognized

sender, which ‘’network’’ is he sending from?


Still waiting for the right role?

The ‘’router’’ is asking , check the sender, and if it is true!

Holding tight my DNS server, he is so useful.

Not to mention DHCP, so reliably cute!

Meanwhile 3 relatives passed away in less than 3 years.

Messages. Condolences.

Selection of the acceptable food.

Once consumed, back to Power Shell.

Witness of a premature death, while coffin and an extremely tacky style wedding

celebration, same church.

Asking to myself, would they possibly know something about my life?

I doubt it seriously.

Let’s go to VPN connection explanation better.

Microsoft identifier and so on, and so forth.

Who can possibly know what you are suitable for?

No one.

If you are never getting into real and practical everyday tasks.

Curiosity and love, you will still surely pass away, no matter what you

do or do not do.

Where do we go after that?

We still do not know.

The Universe  is broad, too much space, in the universe and galaxies,

Expanding and shrinking.

What for?

For whom?

Everyday thoughts

Lying down, deeply sleeping another night, ‘’avec l’envie d’aimer’’


Loving is not an empty space activity.

The chosen one should be proud of instead.