Philip Daniel Cook

Who truly invented the world?

Human see; human do.

Wandering this world,

like if wealth of health.

Was only enough to.

Destroy each other.

Watching your humanity

seep through the wolves.

Just ape the machine.

Still only a machine.

All is not discordance.

But I doubt there was.

You regard any special treatment;

to the creature I am

but we can make up.

Go, and enclave each other.

Yet we want to fly from jumping

off a cliff; and not hit the ground.

Just to absorb some of what

happens to others; but time 

does not wait. It waited for me,

maybe it all is merely temporal.

But I have my doubts about you.

There was nothing to say,

nothing to do; perhaps 

I should absorb what

becomes the truth.

That the world stands still.

It is doomed from the moment 

we come into it.

Only to discover it is here say,

the post modern world; what 

is new never truly is.




Because you were created,

and what you feel was put into

but I\'ll tell you it wasn\'t the darkest matter.

Or a matter of what humans leave behind.