

Alternative title for this poem:

\'Load of Rubbish No. 483974652\'

Or summat like that!

Coooeee! Bit of an eccentric greeting

Meaning \'hello\' of sorts!

Cooeee! Poets, come join me

I\'m sitting in this room - or on this site

All alone at present - boo hoo!


Well, not completely

Fido\'s here with me

Though KP\'s gone out

Probably to another photo-shoot

Or something dafter to improve her own ego

Remember her motto is

\'Me, me, me - now and always!\' (lol)


Fido won\'t hurt ya

Don\'t be afraid to post \'hot \'poems

If ya \'forget\' the 18+ button

He won\'t bite ya

He will bark ferociously at ya though

His bark is worse than his bite!


I\'m getting meals ready today

KP can have the dog\'s bone

And Fido can have her roast dinner

I can\'t afford proper dinners for KP AND me

I\'ve had to give her much money for botox

Doh! (heehee).


PS. Now the spell-check suggested \'buxom\' for \'botox\'

Swoon! lol.