
Scars of Love and fury

A heart once full, now filled with pain
Love turned to dust, like autumn\'s rain
The one I trusted, deceived me blind
Manipulated, silenced, left to unwind

I stayed, oh how I stayed, despite the shame
Love turned to chains, a heart in flames
But now, anger burns, a constant fire
A soft spot lost, a heart that\'s tired

Words of love, a distant, fading lie
Flirting, cheating, as I watched her deny
The truth, the heart, the love we once shared
A choice was made, and I was left impaired

I asked her to choose, to make it clear
But she chose the other, without a tear
Betrayal\'s sting, a wound so deep and wide
A heart that\'s broken, a love that\'s died

Memories linger, like a ghost in my mind
Reminding me of the love we left behind
I thought our love was pure, our bond so strong
But now, I\'m left with a heart that\'s wrong

I wonder why, I stayed so long
Lowering standards, where did I go wrong?
A lesson learned, a heart now strong
But anger reā“mains, a fire that\'s grown

Resentment burns, a flame that won\'t subside
For the love we had, the love she denied
For the lies, the cheating, the pain she brought
A heart that\'s scarred, a soul that\'s caught

With every breath, I\'ll hold on to my rage
For the love she killed, the heart she caged
I\'ll rise above, but never forget
The anger that burns, the heart she beset