

White fluffy clouds of silvery sheen

Which in the sky, are off and on, seen

Capture the heart of people of every race

And with their snow-like whiteness, do, the onlookers, daze.


The unknown abysses in which the ‘copters venture

Offer a wide scope of delight to the passenger

Sometimes we find the clouds are a dull grey

But even then, they easily, its enchantment on us, lay


Clouds are of countless shapes and size

If one looks like a frog, the other a block of ice

Whilst some of the clouds are vast and huge

And offer from the heat, constant refuge


Others seem as hollow as a tube

And some take forms of circles and of cubes..

We find them in different shapes and size

And they are always a sight for sore eyes


Large black clouds that are messengers of rain

Come in tangled masses that bedazzle the brain

Whilst their serene counterparts are always fresh and bright

And when the snow falls, it looks like a world gone white


The clouds that are found at night on high

Look like an artist’s smattering on the sky

We see that clouds are always pretty to behold

And are glorified and praised by people young or old.