A.D. Small

The Bungalow

The Bungalow


Prompt: The Perfect Home For A Lizard!


Sam\'s Tail Part: 2


Yo, It\'s Sam, and I\'m as excited as can be

Because, today is the day, I find a new place for me

Right now, I love in a tree, and it\'s not the best

The birds are so noisy I can\'t get rest

I will look high and low, for something new

I am just your average lizard, how much can I do

I\'m on my way to meet a tom cat over a nice bungalow

it seems like a decent place with room to grow 

Hopefully, I can get it for a deal

The later, take him out for a meal

The place is perfect, for a bachelor like me

The price was only one fifty

How could I refuse a deal like that 

And he seems like a trustworthy cat

I signed the deed with a smile on my face

I held the key to my new place

The changes are coming so fast

It\'s time to leave the tree in the past

I am moving on to better places

So follow me into new spaces 

We will chat soon, after I move in

It\'s time for my tale to begin


A.D. Small

June 1, 2024