Meera Mere

But I killed Her

I let go of my 16-year-old self,

Wishing I could protect her,

Hold her and tell her she\'s okay.

But her memories still haunt me,

Her thoughts scare me,

She teaches me things but cries,

Whenever I embrace her.

People wondered how she could be so quiet,

When her mind was in constant chaos,

Breaking her from within.

\"My insecurities lied to you,\" she says,

But then pleads with me not to let her go.

Life feels empty when chasing perfection,

I’m tired of being called perfect,

It\'s not a good thing for me.

I want to fail,

I want to fall,

Cry my heart out,

Like no one’s watching.

I want to be free,

I want to live,

Live the life I wanted to.