


Oh, how nasty hatred can be! Hatreds kills. Hatred destroys—hatred traps. Hatred darkens. It’s so easy to be blind once hatred takes over. All of a sudden, even heroin is no match. Compared to hatred, liquor doesn’t even make you break a sweat. Only hatred can make you normalize pain but make you blind and numb enough not to notice the poisonous roots it plants within you. Only God can save you once that happens.

Hatred will give you so many reasons to justify. What are you, the judicial branch? Don’t get me wrong, I know it ain’t easy, and let\'s not forget that the culprit is pain…

Honestly, who am I to judge you? I be hating on things too. Maybe I am trying to convince you to be better than me. Or perhaps I’m telling myself. Either way, hatred won’t fix anything, but it surely will bring you misery and, dare I forget, jealousy. It will bring you the typa pain that turns on you. The type that imprisons you and holds you captive. The kind that makes you hate yourself. The type that makes YOU hatred! My dear friends, do not fall captive to hatred!


~ Cerry ~