Thad Wilk

*`` My Nice Advice ``*

My \"nice advice\" to all out there.

Is give more hugs and show you care.

Open up your heart without pause

and donate to a worthy cause.


Complain you can\'t find a real friend?

A new puppy I recommend.

Take my advice if you are smart.

Exercise more, great for the heart.


Try smiling more each passing day.

\'Twill chase all those gray clouds away.

Never use drugs, it is not cool.

Think, use your head don\'t be a fool.


Enjoy nature, it\'s scenery;

sniff a flower, hug a tree!

Go to church, say a prayer.

You\'ll feel better, when you leave there.



Never fry your bacon naked!

Nice advice; I know, cuz I did~  

