Reynaldo Casison

Liberate your Roses

Liberate your Roses, Garden queen,

You are one of those Exquisite women,

Enchanted as a Rainforest,

Evening was hymning,

When the Midnight drifter,

Drifted like a Summer butterfly,

Into the garden of your Beauty,

Your Rose gypsies curves,

Swayed from the Sweet siesta,

Of Stillness,

Their hips like a Vineyard of honey,

And their tousled hair shimmered,

With Moonbeam,

As the fountain waves sighed,

And Diamond stars sparkled,

Their hems sweetly danced,

with infinite Love for him,

The Moon blushed golden,

Gazing at them,

Like Evening fireflies,

It was like the Moons first Serenade,

To the Vineyards,

first exquisite woman,

The Midnight drifter sighed,

Blessed are you,

For being a fine wine woman,

What Gypsy rose is unsung,

In your garden,

Your Beautys sway is the sway,

Of the Ethereal,

Your Loves gaze is the Exotic caress,

of Midnight,

Ah, your wild honey laughter,

and Serene sighs,

Garden queen,

Your otherworldly enchantments,

Are like a bouquet,

of your Roses longings,

The Midnight drifters Lovehymns,

with the Rose Moon,

Parted the clouds,

To the women Exquisite,

The Gypsy women loosened,

their hems and sighed,

With their wild and serene rhythms,

The roses waltzed with rare bliss,

The Midnight stars hymned,

What Gypsy rose is unsung,

Sighs like an Ethereal,


Surreal candle

Reynaldo Casison