
Covid in 2020

Covid, oh covid where have you not been..

Roaming the whole world – a remedy unseen…


You went to the States

And claimed a lot of lives

People trembled in fear

Be it husbands or wives


The roads were now clear

The air was pretty clean

But humanity in their masses

Was nowhere to be seen


Industries were shut

The schools closed their gates

All the shops were closed

As men bemoaned their Fates


The daily wage workers

Were the ones hardest hit

As to their homes they trekked

Hungry and barely fit.


Around the world you spread

Asia, Europe, the States

People lost their parents

Their children, and their mates.


The world was at a standstill

Economies were down

None were found smiling

All wore just a frown


The kids were banned indoors

Time was hard to pass

As colleges and schools

Had all just shut their class.


Airlines were now shut down

Trains were barely seen

Buses were in depots

Autos rarely seen.


Prices were just rising

Demand was at a high

Supply was found wanting

People could only sigh.


But then amidst this hardship

People learnt to care

Many had stopped being selfish

Many had learnt to share.


Friendships grew and blossomed

Though meeting up was rare

The phones and laptops buzzed on

People started to care..


They reached out to their neighbours

They reached out to old mates

Masking up their sorrows

They stopped cursing their fates.


A new hope was born

That now replaced the fear

The people just adjusted

Their vision was now clear


So Covid you may come

But you will go too

We will live life

And stop the hate and strife.


China, the culprit

From where your virus came

Has earned very high censure

And has to bear the blame


All nations big and small

Now know of Wuhan city

And though the lives were lost

They did not earn much pity


For they have caught the world

Totally unprepared

And unleashed a tale of lies

And left the people scared..


[2020] – the year of the rat

Has lived up to its name

It’s hidden in the shadows

And finds all men fair game


Now we have learnt our lesson

That nations should play fair

And co-operate with each other

And learn to share and care