Accidental Poet

Were It Within My Power

 The Rose of Sharon


Losing a loved one

For me has been a way of life

Never easy to accept

My birthright severed with a knife


I know it’s not meant

To feel that way

But just when I needed them most

Somehow, they got taken away


My birthparents

From whom I was born

So very long ago

From each other we were torn


The love of my life

At fourteen a plane took her away

Now at sixty-seven

Still, my for love her grows today


My first dog of Shelby

The prettiest of Samoyeds

How I treasure her memory

Each and every joy


My adoptive parents

The I love you’s not said enough

The haunting regrets in my mirror

A warmth in my heart so soft


Between Heaven and Earth

I share a beautiful loving flower

Nothing I wouldn’t do for them all

Were it within my power


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024