Kurt Philip Behm

Gone & Forgotten (+2)


the memories

of the years

without me


I wonder

if your thoughts

ever drift

toward mine


Your distance


a broken





 our hearts

— intertwined


(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)





A legacy for a father

waiting uninspired

Painted by the numbers

paternity required


Angel guardian my lost friend

orphanage exile

Free me on this darkest night

lead me through denial


Empty titled nominee

robbers roost to hide

Salutation waits unborn

seeded but unrhymed


 Grand-Pere whose master’s voice

birthed my infant scrawl

Fill me once then fill me twice

— to sire and enthrall


(The New Room: June, 2024)



The Glue


Before there was light

before there was sound

Gravity wandered

the universe round


Plotting the orbits

of things still to come

Spacing the essence

 of all zero-sum


(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)