
Listen Son

My son, listen, for lust is a blinding light,
A fire that has consumed kings in its might.
I have walked this road, bargained with devils,
Shaken hands with shadows, passed by their revels.
Tame that beast inside, quell its fiery bite.

Love, I tell you, is a painful thorn,
Overrated in the morn and forlorn.
One day, a world right, the next, a place strange,
Love shifts like shadows, with a treacherous range.
Some days, my son, for the greater good be reborn.

They always leave, these fleeting illusions,
Fade like whispers, in silent conclusions.
They forget, as shadows turn to night,
And you become a stranger, out of sight.
Don’t lose your life for ephemeral fusions.

Understand, son, the world’s cruel designs,
They come programmed, with love\'s fragile signs.
Do not let them devour your soul\'s light,
Hold steady, keep your heart’s true might.
Life’s worth more than these deceptive lines.