Kinsley Lee

Sunset Scene at Gyeongui Line Park

The spring wind taps the trees, and it makes

The flower buds be awakening.

Beyond the open windows of roadside

Shops, the outside is bustling.

After the rain has stopped on the park,

For a long time, the cool air\'s refreshing,

Now, warm light sparkles, on the forest,

Because that the sun is shining,

In the forest, standing up, we can hear

The chirping of birds’ echoes, cheerfully,

People\'s conversations on the chairs are over

Powered by the laughter gently.

The scent of coffee in the cup which I hold,

Has already faded away,

As the sun leans westward, crimson clouds

Glow soon, far away.

(Apr., 19th, 2024, Kinsley Lee)