David Wakeling

A gentle lady.

When soft moonlight kisses my shadowy sleep,

And night begins her weaving,

I will search in my darkened keep,

With my hands clasped in prayer,

With my heart open to care,

For the dawn beyond my grieving.


Beware the stones on the path of charity,

They cut and scar the flesh,

Swim strongly against the ancient sea,

Avoid the rocks that beckon you,

Abandon the cliffs that call you,

Drown in the quiet loving sleep.



There is a gentle drowning at dawn,

The old darkness fades away,

And is replaced by a new orphan,

A new lost child facing the sea,

A beckoning bittered by misery,

Take care of your heart and pray.


Winter has caught me weeping with fright,

The wind has followed me closely,

I will lay near to the fire tonight,

For tomorrow this soft soul will fall,

In the morning when they call,

My cell will be empty.


And when I have learned to fly,

Beyond the marigolds and roses,

I will steal a moment from this sky,

I will have a fine song to sing,

Of a gentle lady that captured my heart,

And of a kindness as easy as whispering.

My song is the song of happiness,

A trumpeting of joy and peace,

Rising high beyond the darkness,

Leaving me to dance and sing,

Everything is as clear as water falling,

Now that I have met a gentle lady,

Every kindness is as easy as whispering.