
All Numbers Tell A Story\'s Solitaire

all numbers tell a story\'s solitaire.

there are no rules cologne or otherwise.

between the thighs of skull the hidden itch

life in fullest bloom the fostered child.

a cloud two miles where stalks a serpents will

sucking through the pages to the seven toes of one

pedestrian in thought the bitter walk

silence breeds it\'s pollen through the jacket of a scar.

how far are we from source of Nile composed?

by sweet design comes borderline inane

the breath of thieves more stench than fingernail

a polished stone of lips to stitch and cross.

inside a cage of thoughts unbandaged wound

at one with mark and makers final hour

now all my five and senseless borders closed.

foot-and-mouth from the tonsils to the sex

shell of man in a two-dimensioned sea.

twelve times condemned to premature such grief.

strange love this braille of tactile eyes now touch

the fruits of war that beg a higher hound

to bury bone of cinders hand and heart.

deliver me from hells own porcupine

wax my lyrics jack o lantern high.

how long now love forever red inside?

I have spied two lovers bright as a migraines smile

when Sylvia took my hand and dared caress me with a smile.

a million times I have kissed her sleeping eyes.

perhaps one day she will visit me

and love me for a while.