
The Texture of Mud

I like the texture of mud

I like the way new leaves growing in look like a mint-colored haze over the autumn leaves of last year

I like putting my full hand on the trunk of a tree, closing my eyes, and tracing her wrinkles with my fingertips

I like trying to count how many different bird songs are contributing to the choral medley

I like the purling of the stream under the singing, like an orchestra seated below the stage

I like taking close-up photos of all the tiny varieties of moss and finding the most flattering angle for the tree-side mushrooms

I like going to examine a shapely leaf and noticing a squirrel higher up, eating a blossom

I like finding spider webs still glistening with diamond-colored dew drops

I like leaving the trail to more closely study oddities in the trees, like large hallows or curious bark

I like the contrast of emerald green to russet to cinnamon to pale yellow and then to pastel green again

I like damp tree stumps and dried pale-gold leaves still clinging on, as if hoping – post-winter – to uncurl and make a come-back

I like trying to capture the elegance of each blade of grass in a photo no one will ever see

I like walking so slowly through the trail that I’m unsure if I’ll make my way back before dark

I like when the entrance is marked by one solitary flowering tree, as if saying, “You may find magic here, but only if you keep your eyes sharp and your gait
