
Master of Puppets

The Master travels allies wide, 

his victims, they can never hide,

from the evil thoughts and actions of his plans.


His van gets filled with quite a few,

there\'s nothing left for them to do,

but await the dreadful things so sure to come.


They fight and struggle to get free, 

which is hard to do when you can\'t see,

the ropes too tight, just won\'t come undone.


The road less traveled is up ahead,

a feeling unknown, but sure to dread,

as the van comes to a screeching stop.


The Master gets out to fetch his prey,

as the sun goes down, it\'s the end of the day,

now inside, everyone is in one large room.


The masks removed, although still tied,

they see a pile of kid\'s that died,

and decide their lives might be the very same.


The Master leads them to a stage,

some filled with fear, some filled with rage,

as if their putting on a dazzling show.


A crowd has gathered to see their fate,

some arrive early, some arrive late,

none are strangers, they are people that they know.


The Master pulls their strings from high,

it\'s a time to live, and a time to die,

not knowing a storm rolled into town.


Thunder and lightning seen in the sky,

soon smoke and fire fills up their eyes,

as a panic now engulfs this haunting room.


The lights go out, now is their chance,

to make the Master have a dance,

as they decide to give a great big pull.


The Master of Puppets fate is sealed,

as his identity is now revealed,

now help arrives to put out all the flames.


The towns dark secret is no longer there,

some lives were lost, some lives were spared,

and the \"puppets\" now can finally rest in peace.