Soumya Singh

Under the stars

i had all and then most of you some and now none of you

take me back to the night we met




I had all, your laughter and your smile

Then most of you, for just a little while

Some moments left, fading like old dreams

And now none of you, or so it seems



Take me back, to the night we first crossed paths

Under starlit skies, sharing laughs

Before the world turned, and our hearts grew cold

Take me back, to that story untold....


In memories, I find pieces of us

Scattered like leaves in autumn

I gather them close, try to make them whole

But time has taken its toll


I search for the love that set me free

The shine in your eyes, meant just me

Take me back, to the night we met

When hope ran free

............Now I\'m left with just the memory.