
Just Like You

In June, I wave my colors high,

A vibrant spectrum in the sky,

Not seeking crowns or special grace,

Just yearning for an equal place.


Respect is all I ask and need,

To live my life and to be freed

From hate that’s born of ignorance,

From acts and words that cause offense.


My love, my life, should not incite

The scorn that fuels a baseless fight.

Why should my heart’s true inclination

Be cause for such cruel indignation?


I do not seek to rule or reign,

Just ask for peace, relief from pain.

No special treatment, no bowed head,

Just kindness in the words you’ve said.


For we are all the same inside,

In love and pain, in joy and pride.

Treat me as you’d treat another,

A friend, a neighbor, or a sister.


So let us bridge this great divide,

With understanding as our guide.

Together, let’s build unity,

And cherish our shared humanity.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf