Dev Parth


In the stillness of the last night,
Shadows whisper secrets old,
Stars are trembling, softly bright,
As the final stories unfold.

The moon hangs low, a silver tear,
Glimmers on the edge of dawn,
Memories, both far and near,
Dance like phantoms, here and gone.

Silent echoes fill the air,
Of laughter, love, and hidden fears,
Time suspends its weary care,
In the quiet, drying tears.

Hands held tight, hearts intertwined,
Words unspoken, all is clear,
In this moment, souls aligned,
Embracing both the joy and fear.

As the last night fades to grey,
And the world prepares to wake,
In our hearts, a song will stay,
Of the dreams we dared to make.

Let the dawn come, fierce and bright,
Let it chase the stars away,
For the magic of the night,
In our hearts will always stay.