
To Love

Love is patient and Love is kind,

Love is not jealous or full of pride.

Love is not arrogant or self focused,

Love is giving without seeking notice,


Love is truth and Love persists, 

Love is not misleading or inconsistent.

Love is not weak or out of depth,

Love is hope, faith and strength.


Love is fragile yet never breaks,

Love is light yet never fades.

Love is a journey that never ends,

Love is a force that never descends.


If not for love, then what is it worth?

I can do all things upon this earth.

I can speak the truth, I can understand the mysteries,

I can have all faith, move mountains and make history.

I can do all of these things with ease, but what does it mean,

If I don’t bear the fruit of Love, just how you love me.