
Berate and Bully: The Masterclass in Persuasion Failure

Oh, how brilliant your strategy, so clever and grand,

To think insults would shift my stance where facts cannot stand.

\"Idiot,\" \"moron,\" you spit with such grace,

Convinced that your name-calling will put me in place.


Do tell, where did you learn this persuasive art?

From the school of bullies? A truly noble start.

Did you take a class in Berating 101,

Where the lesson was clear: call names, and you\'re done?


Your logic, it dazzles, shines so bright,

Insults over insight, truly a delight.

\"Change my mind,\" you demand with a sneer,

Yet facts and reason are what I hold dear.


Why bother with evidence, with logic, with reason?

When shouting and mocking are always in season.

But here’s a secret, a tip just for you,

Facts change opinions—who would\'ve knew?


So, come at me with reason, with a strong, solid base,

Not with your insults, your spite, your disgrace.

For name-calling, my friend, will never prevail,

In the battle of minds, it’s destined to fail.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf