
Cloud Submarine.

There we were playing croquet

I looked up at the clouds

And there I saw a submarine,

It took me back,

Back to a time in my life

When I went aboard submarines

In the dockyard where I worked.

A time of great joy in my life,

A job in my early working life,

A place where I sorted problems

Problems on Naval Ships.

I was a metallurgist and chemist

Sorting out problems found on board.

I met many sailors,

Had great times with them

And I went into parts of the ships,

Parts where many would not go.

Testing for problems

And checking all was safe

When others were working.

Thanks to that cloud

I was taken back,

Taken back to a wonderful part,

A wonderful time of my life

And gave me the purpose,

The purpose of the wonderful life

The wonderful life I have had.