Garvit Bhattacharjee

Embracing the Beauty of Silence

Swami Vivekananda once said,

Do not talk unnecessarily, my friend!

Maintain inner silence

And do not come to violence.

Silence is always full of answers,

Let not the outside rush disturb your manners!

Perceive the power in silence,

Always strive to create a satisfactory balance!

Develop prolific concentration,

While doing meditation.

Don\'t get disturbed while doing so,

On and on persevere and go!

Nurture the divinity within you,

Life is not so complicated, be simple and true!

Construct your path to spirituality,

Consistently endeavour towards morality.

You will become a powerhouse of energy,

And have the capability to face every difficulty.

My aim is to discover my own true self,

Remaining without thoughts,

Oh! Imagine the beauty of this magic yourself.