Sassy Lou


There are dawnings 

when I smile 

And I practically mean it 

Then there times

When the dawnings are bleak & somber 

My heart feels heavy 

Wounds I thought had healed 

Open up...


These are the dawnings 

the walls I\'ve built 

get a little bit feeble 

Perhaps the only time 

I yearn for another 

willing enough 

to break them down for me 

Hold me close 

As I break down 

Fix me back to one 

The next dawning 


In lieu ...

Like all the time 

I strengthen my defenses 

Bide until the storm passes ...


There ain\'t any rainbows 

After my storms 

But at least there\'s a bit of  sunlight

I can seek the warmth 

I fail to receive 

from the ones 

closest to me