
Stabilizing live’s





…….While being pushed out during birth, I noticed the inner thigh of my mother’s leg was a bit hairy this time around,  grunts and growls made up the ambient sound, I could tell from the dirt, brush and leaves, we was close to the ground, feelings of embarrassment seeps in as I remember being once human, was this a fall, cause now I have claws and paws, as I internally identify with the beast within, I become more fearful of humans, memories slip’n, I can no longer remember my favorite sport, I think it’s called MJ, naw, Pippin; that’s what I get for drinking and driving at the steering wheel dipping, drove straight into a wall, now It feels like my soul was flung over a pond, periodically touching down skipping, the nature of reality has a crazy way of giving you a whip’n.